Find the Girl, No1 most popular 412 days
Donan Berg's first fantasy novel, Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel,
has, on June 7, reached a milestone 412 days as the most popular
novel on, all genres. In fact, on this day, eight
spots in the top ten for most popular were filled by Author Donan Berg novels.
We're prompted to shy away from humble to say there's something special
about his novels, be they fantasy, mystery, thriller, action, or romance?
To explore Eta Dorcas' reality and her time travel new world visit
On World Book Day, Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel
was featured as Book of the Moment by Caleb and Linda Pirtle.
Their website is at Book of the Moment
Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel, has been joined by Author Donan Berg's
second fantasy, Lucia's Fantasy World. Now out as a free read on
Amazon's KindleUnlimited and also available in paperback. Click on
the link below to learn more, including a free chapter read.
Additional clicks on the links below will allow you to check out
five-star reviewed Author Donan Berg novels.
And many more if you visit Author Donan Berg's homepage
Author Donan Berg Home Page Here you will find Donan Berg's biography
and a connection to his novels, short stories, writing tips, articles and poetry.