Friday, February 11, 2022

Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel, No1 for 412 Days

 Find the Girl, No1 most popular 412 days

Donan Berg's first fantasy novel, Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel,
has, on June 7, reached a milestone 412 days as the most popular
novel on, all genres. In fact, on this day, eight
spots in the top ten for most popular were filled by Author Donan Berg novels.
We're prompted to shy away from humble to say there's something special
about his novels, be they fantasy, mystery, thriller, action, or romance?

To explore Eta Dorcas' reality and her time travel new world visit

On World Book Day, Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel
was featured as Book of the Moment by Caleb and Linda Pirtle.

Their website is at Book of the Moment

Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel, has been joined by Author Donan Berg's
second fantasy, Lucia's Fantasy World. Now out as a free read on 
Amazon's KindleUnlimited and also available in paperback. Click on
the link below to learn more, including a free chapter read.

Additional clicks on the links below will allow you to check out
five-star reviewed Author Donan Berg novels.

And many more if you visit Author Donan Berg's homepage 

Author Donan Berg Home Page  Here you will find Donan Berg's biography
and a connection to his novels, short stories, writing tips, articles and poetry.

Aria's Bayou Child Reviews-- Five Stars

 First Aria's Bayou Child Review -- Five Stars

A five-star review of Donan Berg's latest novel, Aria's Bayou Child,
is posted on his book page. Click here Donan Berg Novels .

Here are review excerpts:

"Rich and satisfying"  "one hell of a journey"

"The tensions between LeRoy and Aria provide another layer to a narrative that
already carries the hauntings of Aria's troubled past . . ."

"Aria's Bayou Child takes many intriguing turns, steadily unfolding dark secrets from
the past and its share of surprises in isolated locales."

"Berg imbues the novel with nice touches."

Read the full review at Full Five Star Review . 

Second Aria's Bayou Child Review - Five Stars

A second five-star review of Donan Berg's Aria's Bayou Child
is posted at Feathered Find Aria's Bayou Child under reviews.

Here are review excerpts:

"Mr. Berg has yet to fall below the extremely high expectations
his amazing writing has set."

"We are talking pure action here. The steps she (Aria Gleason) must take,
the horrible people she must meet, the terrifying moments she must live through
that make prison look like a garden party - everything comes at her as events
unfold. With each page comes a new suspense."

"Aria . . .  is challenged, harmed, and shaken to her very core by some of the
worst of mankind, but the one thing they cannot shake is her resolve. It is
no surprise that Donan Berg's books have won award after award.
You see, not only does he pen tales that keep the reader entranced until the final
page, he also creates tales that stick in the mind long after the book has been read . . . ."

"Aria's Bayou Child lifts the term 'psychological thriller' to new heights. . . . reading 
his books is a true treasure."

Read Amy Lignor.'s full review at Aria's Bayou Child Review