Thursday, December 26, 2024

Thread suspense into the story


Thread suspense into the story

How does an author keep the reader interested?

A surefire way is to add the element of suspense. When incorporated into the story, this provides a payback to readers who have trusted you with their precious time.

The simplest definition of suspense is not knowing what will happen. For this, there needs to be a character the reader can emphasize with. Without reader empathy, adding an obstacle or visible peril won’t have pages turned.

If the reader cares, the creation of suspense requires the dilemma to linger before resolution. Let’s look at an example.

A bookstore browser enthusiastic for historical fiction is introduced to a 19th Century female coming of age. She has attractive attributes but fears a family history of sterility will damn her to spinsterhood. She meets the male heir to a stable of pedigree, prize-winning racehorses. He expresses a desire to raise a family.

Our heroine reluctantly explains to him that, if he should marry her, the odds of his attaining his goal is not guaranteed.

They nevertheless marry.

After two years, she’s still unable to conceive.

They adopt a young baby boy abandoned by a traveling gypsy caravan. Happy, the couple is heartbroken when authorities identify the boy as kidnapped, and the boy’s real father appears.

In secret, the heroine learns of an experimental method to be impregnated, and she volunteers to be a medical test case. When she becomes of child, she tells her husband. They are overjoyed to wait.

Within a month, the heroine miscarries.

For a second time, dread descends upon the heroine for life’s uncertainty has dealt her and her husband unexpected blows.

Will the reader keep on reading? The ending has not yet come. Will it be tragedy or success?

As the author, you know. And, by threading suspense of what the unexplained, but believable outcome, lies on upcoming pages will create a great incentive to keep the reader along in lockstep to complete the journey.