Friday, December 9, 2016

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays

It's been awhile since I posted.

Obstacles have been cleared and I return to wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

While it's untitled, a new romance after 2016's Gold Award One Paper Heart has been
completed and will debut in early 2018. The timeline extended to make room in 2017
for the promised mystery Into the Dark, the return of Sheriff Jonas McHugh. He was first
encountered as the Iowa sheriff in Baby Bones.

Keep writing. Be aware that if you have to take multiple breaths before the end
of the sentence, it's likely too long, or mindless. Be aware of words. The term "awful" in the beginning was meant to be "full of awe." Not what you find today. It's meaning is the exact

While spoken words "disappear" into the air as soon as spoken. Words typed on a computer
screen are often viewed as provisional. That is, not as permanent as words struck by the
letters on a typewriter. Technology has created an easier path to the mind, not one that is
different in hope.

The hope still remains that words have impact, an intended impact.

Enjoy the holidays with friends and family. I'll be back sooner than expected.

Until December 15, 2016, One Paper Heart is available for 50% off only at with coupon code JC59M entered at checkout.

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