Sheriff Jonas McHugh returns in June 2019 with a new troubles.
At a rural cabin owned by a Silver County political widow Jonas discovers
an Iowa Caucus ballot box filled with U.S. currency the day after the caucus
vote shows eight GOP precincts untabulated and the cast ballots missing.
A torn note threatens a bomb plot. One presidential hopeful campaign manager
lays murdered as Jonas faces the barrel of a loaded thirty-ought-six rifle.
Jonas unravels sinister and human motives far greater than greed and power.
Known for entertaining mystery and heartwarming romance, Author Berg infuses
suspense into mystery with a page-turner plot. Sharp prose with more than one
meaning hones and deepens the robust dialogue of well-drawn, rounded characters.
Coming June 25, 2019. Into the Dark will be in Trade Paperback and E-book.
Expect preorders to be available.
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