A fellow author once said, the best marker of your writing ability is the length of time your novels remain popular with readers and other authors.
With that in mind, I recorded on May 12, 2021, what novels of mine were listed as most popular at www.authorsden.com. Then, today, July 28, 2021, I checked to see what novels topped their most popular rankings. (Novels are ranked in order starting with number one.) This exercise is not strictly scientific, but here are the results for Donan Berg novels only:
May 12, 2021:
Top Fantasy Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel
Top Action/Thriller Aria's Bayou Child
Top Mystery/Suspense Into the Dark
Top Romance Alexa's Gold
Abbey Burning Love
July 28, 2021:
Top Fantasy Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel
Top Action/Thriller Aria's Bayou Child
Top Mystery/Suspense Into the Dark
Adolph's Gold
Baby Bones
A Body To Bones
The Bones Dance Foxtrot
Top Romance One Paper Heart
Abbey Burning Love
Alexa's Gold
As an end note, Find the Girl, A Fantasy Novel, became the top popular novel of all genres on April 16, 2021 and has remained there, that's 115 consecutive days.
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